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ما هي إدارة البيانات الضخمة
إنها البيانات التي تتمتع بأكبر قدر من التنوع ، والوصول إلى أحجام متزايدة وبسرعة أكبر. هذا هو المعروف أيضا باسم الكلمات الثلاث الخامس. ببساطة ، البيانات الضخمة هي مجموعات بيانات أكبر وأكثر تعقيدا ، خاصة من مصادر البيانات الجديدة. مجموعات البيانات هذه ضخمة جدا لدرجة أن برامج معالجة البيانات التقليدية لا يمكنها إدارتها. ولكن يمكن استخدام هذه الكميات الهائلة من البيانات لمعالجة مشاكل العمل التي لم تتمكن من التعامل معها من قبل

ادارة البيانات
ادارة البيانات
كيف تعمل البيانات الضخمة؟
• التكامل: تجمع البيانات الضخمة العديد من المصادر والتطبيقات المختلفة. آليات تكامل البيانات التقليدية مثل استخراج ، تحويل ، وتحميل (ETL) عموما تقصر. هناك حاجة إلى استراتيجيات وتقنيات جديدة لتحليل مجموعات البيانات الكبيرة على نطاق واسع أو حتى حجم بيتابايت
• إدارة متطلبات: تخزين البيانات الكبيرة، يمكن أن يكون حل التخزين في السحابة أو في أماكن العمل أو كليهما. يمكنك تخزين البيانات بأي تنسيق تريده وتقديم متطلبات المعالجة المطلوبة وبرامج تشغيل العمليات الضرورية لمجموعات البيانات هذه على أساس الطلب. يختار العديد من الأشخاص حل التخزين الخاص بهم وفقا لمكان وجود بياناتهم حاليا. تكتسب السحابة شعبية تدريجيا لأنها تدعم متطلبات الحوسبة اليوم وتمكنك من زيادة الموارد حسب الحاجة
• التحليل: يتم تحقيق الاستثمار البيانات الكبيرة الخاصة بك عند تحليل والعمل مع البيانات الخاصة بك. اكتساب وضوح جديد مع التحليل البصري لمجموعات البيانات المتنوعة. استكشف البيانات بشكل أكبر لإجراء اكتشافات جديدة. شارك نتائجك مع الآخرين. إنشاء نماذج البيانات باستخدام تعلم الآلة والذكاء الاصطناعي. وضع البيانات الخاصة بك للعمل

How does big data work:
• Integration: Big data brings together many different sources and applications. Traditional data integration mechanisms such as Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) generally fall short. New strategies and techniques are required to analyze large datasets on a large scale or even a petabyte in size.
• Require management: Big data storage. The storage solution can be in the cloud, on premises, or both. You can store data in any format you want and deliver the required processing requirements and necessary process drivers to these datasets on an on-demand basis. Many people choose their storage solution according to where their data is currently located. The cloud is gradually gaining popularity as it supports today's computing requirements and enables you to scale up resources as needed.
• Analysis: Your big data investment is realized when you analyze and work with your data. Gain new clarity with visual analysis of diverse data sets. Explore the data further to make new discoveries. Share your results with others. Create data models using machine learning and artificial intelligence. Put your data to work.
أفضل ممارسات البيانات الضخمة
محاذاة البيانات الضخمة مع أهداف عمل محددة
التخفيف من نقص المهارات باستخدام المعايير والإدارة
تحسين نقل المعرفة من خلال مركز التميز
تتم محاذاة أعلى نسبة سداد مع البيانات المركبة
تحقيق مختبر الاكتشاف لتحقيق الأداء
التوافق مع نموذج التشغيل السحابي

How can Nozom help you on your PCI DSS compliance journey?
Define the scope of the standard within the organization, and provide support in reading and applying the requirements of the standard.
Perform a gap analysis, evaluating the organization's current compliance status with PCI DSS requirements.
Conducting awareness sessions and training programs for work teams and employees.
Create and document policies and procedures in accordance with PCI DSS.
Risk assessment and treatment.
Design the necessary technical solutions Conducting an internal audit.
The process — Behind the scenes.
Initiate Cybersecurity Operating model.
Initiate Cybersecurity Operating model
Establish an Operating Model framework
Initiate Cybersecurity Operating model
Establish an Operating Model approach
Initiate Cybersecurity Operating model
Defining Vision, Principles, Capabilities.
Initiate Cybersecurity Operating model
Establish an organization Blueprint
Initiate Cybersecurity Operating model
Building an organization Roadmap
Initiate Cybersecurity Operating model
Implementing an organization Blueprint
Initiate Cybersecurity Operating model

The process — Behind the scenes.
Initiate Cybersecurity Operating model.
Establish an Operating Model framework.
Establish an Operating Model approach.
Defining organization Vision, Principles, Capabilities.
Establish an organization Blueprint.
Building an organization Roadmap.
Implementing an organization Blueprint.
something good about how the work is done
ISO Standards

ISO/IEC 27001
ISO/IEC 27001
ISO/IEC 27001 is the international standard for information security.
Setting specification for an effective ISMS (information security management system).
ISO 27001's best-practice approach helps organizations manage their information security by addressing people, processes and technology.
ISO/IEC 27017 is a security standard developed for cloud service providers and users to make a safer cloud-based environment and reduce the risk of security problems.

ISO/IEC 27018
ISO/IEC 27018:2019
Confidentiality is a key concern in a cloud computing environment.
ISO/IEC 27018:2019 takes into consideration the regulatory requirements for the protection of identifiable personal information (IPI) that may be applicable in the context of risk assessment.
ISO/IEC 27018:2019 sets out guidelines related to a cloud service provider’s information security.

Information Security Management
NOZOM will Support you by:
Plan the implementation and operation of your service management system.
Implement the service management plan.
Monitor measure and review the achievement of service management objectives.
Identify actions for continual improvement.

ISO/IEC 31000
ISO/IEC 31000
The ISO 31000 risk management standard defines the requirements for effective risk management in enterprises, which can be applied to the planning, management activities.
The ISO 31000 communication processes in public, private or social areas, aiming to increase operational efficiency, management, shareholder trust.
The ISO 31000 minimizes deferent kinds of losses.

ISO/IEC 31000
ISO/IEC 31000 Result
ISO/IEC 31000 Enterprise Risk Management System Certificate shows that the organization has a corporate identity and gives reputation to its competitors.
In the ruthless competition conditions of today's world, every effort is to be one step ahead of the competitors.

Information Security Management
NOZOM will Support you by:
Plan the implementation and operation of your service management system.
Implement the service management plan.
Monitor measure and review the achievement of service management objectives.
Identify actions for continual improvement.

ISO/IEC 22301
ISO/IEC 22301
ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management System, establishes processes, procedures, decisions and activities
ISO 22301 ensures the continuation of the establishment activity as a result of the interruption of an activity after an unexpected negative situation within the company.
ISO 22301 measure the ability of the organization to provide the products or services continues to be determined at an acceptable levels.
proactive and reactive plans to help organizations avoid crises and disasters, they help to ensure that such situations can be quickly restored to the usual situation.

Information Security Management
NOZOM will Support you by:
Plan the implementation and operation of your service management system.
Implement the service management plan.
Monitor measure and review the achievement of service management objectives.
Identify actions for continual improvement.

ISO/IEC 20000
ISO/IEC 20000
ISO 20000 certification can help improve your organization’s reputation and set you aside from the competition.
building credibility and trust in your ability to manage your IT services effectively, it can elevate your organization when looking for new business opportunities.
ISO/IEC 20000 is the international ITSM (IT service management) standard, It enables IT departments to ensure that their ITSM processes are aligned with the business’s needs and international best practices.

ISO/IEC 20000
ISO/IEC 20000 Result
The standard describes a set of management processes designed to help you deliver more effective IT services.
It gives you the methodology and the framework to help you manage your ITSM.
allowing you in proving that your company follows the best practices; in turn, these best practices will help your organization to improve your delivery of IT services.

Information Security Management
NOZOM will Support you by:
Plan the implementation and operation of your service management system.
Implement the service management plan.
Monitor measure and review the achievement of service management objectives.
Identify actions for continual improvement.
Web Design
Ceating brand identities, digital experiences, and print materials that communicate clearly.
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Digital Marketing
Ceating brand identities, digital experiences, and print materials that communicate clearly.
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Search Engine Optimization
Ceating brand identities, digital experiences, and print materials that communicate clearly.
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Social Media
Ceating brand identities, digital experiences, and print materials that communicate clearly.
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Years of Operation
Our team have been running well about 10 years and keep going.
Positive Feedback
Our team have been running well about 10 years and keep going.
Projects Completed
Our team have been running well about 10 years and keep going.
خط الاعمال
الأمن السيبراني
نهدف إلى دعم الأمن السيبراني لعملائنا خلال الرحلة بأكملها وتلبية المتطلبات
التحول الرقمي
التحول الرقمي هو التحول العميق الذي تمر به المؤسسات من خلال دمج التقنيات الرقمية في جميع جوانب عملياتها
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I’m only just starting to work with this theme, but so far it looks great and extremely customizable. Not everything was clear to me though, but the support has been absolutely amazing.

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I would give LiquidThemes are five stars for each category if I could! I LOVE the demo site I was able to easily download and customize - I’m going to have the best portfolio site ever! Yay microinteractions!

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Bring your ideas to life with an intuitive visuals editor. Create, edit, and customize your website visually and see the changes instantly.

We have three projects with this template and that is because we love the design, the large number of possibilities to customize the template and the support received. We recommend it!

Ray Charles
Netflix Chief Designer
HUB is by far the best theme here in Themeforest, I don't think anyone can match it's code quality, design or anything anytime soon! I hope you sell 10 million copies, I'm soooo glad I found it

Envato User
I’m only just starting to work with this theme, but so far it looks great and extremely customizable. Not everything was clear to me though, but the support has been absolutely amazing.

Envato User
I would give LiquidThemes are five stars for each category if I could! I LOVE the demo site I was able to easily download and customize - I’m going to have the best portfolio site ever! Yay microinteractions!